101Kidz : Poems : Animal Poems



Clever spider spins a thread
To make a trap we call a web.
Clever spider knows that she
Will have some insects with her tea.

The Spider Poem

Spiders are not insects
Spiders have eight legs.
Spiders have four pairs of eyes
Spiders hatch from eggs!

Spider webs are stick
Spiders weave them tight
Spiders spin that silky string
Spiders weave webs right!

Spider, Spider

Spider hurrying,
Spider scurrying,
See her silken thread.
Spider hurrying,
Spider scurrying,
See her little web.

The Spider

Watch the busy spider,
He's helpful as can be,
Eating insects all day long
Now they won't bite me.

I have a little spider,
And I'm very fond of him;
He climbs on to my shoulder,
And then up to my chin;
He crawls down my arm,
And then down my let;
Now he's a tired little spider
So I put him into bed.


